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Build a vibrant brand with these tips from Eric Dalius

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Eric Dalius
Eric Dalius

Creating a brand identity is one of the critical challenges faced by entrepreneurs thathelp to build the business on a firm footing. There is no room for making any errors while developing strategies for building a brand identity. Even the slightest error can prove too costly and derail the business, opines Eric Dalius. Therefore, doing the best in creating a brand identity is the only option for entrepreneurs, like a one-way road that they must traverse without making any mistakes. Otherwise, it can prove fatal for the business. The importance of brand identity results from building a brand persona that finds favor with the targeted customers by creating the most impacting first impression that gives reasons for taking more interest and building a long-term relationship with the brand.

To address the concerns of entrepreneurs about the techniques that work well for creating brand identity, here are some tips for an error-free approach.

Brands sell and not products, explainsEric Dalius

The introduction of digital marketing that relies on speedy interactions has considerably shrunken the attention span of customers who can at best afford just 20 seconds to have a prima facie view of the brand that helps to form the first impression. The window is just too small to let them view the excellence of your products. The secret of keeping the leads alive and kicking and gradually driving them towards conversion is to focus on developing a favorable impression or perception that revolves around the brand.  Unless customers have faith in the brand, the quality of your products does not matter to them.

Let customers view you through the brand

You must understand what customers want to view and experience because it’s vital in building a relationship with the brand. However, it is equally important to let them view your personality that prevails upon the business, which dictates your marketing and branding, confirms Eric Dalius. For example, if you belong to the old school of business, it will reflect in your business structure, culture, and operations that will influence customers’ impression about your business. They will view your business accordingly to determine how far it meets their expectations.

The brand aesthetics

Art and copy play a massive role in creating brand aesthetics, integral to the brand identity. Careful choice of design themes and content that align with your business philosophy and operations is critical to generate customer interest in the brand. When customers reach the landing page of your website, provide them enough information about your business to quickly relate and understand how much value it will be for them to interact with the business. You need to assure them of the best user experience by crafty use of the brand aesthetics.

Refine and rebrand

It is usual for marketers to make mistakes during branding, but there is always a second chance to make good for the errors by taking to rebranding. First, it helps to change the perception of customers about your company.

Rebranding is necessary to make brands acquire the contemporary looks to compete with new and emerging brands.

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